It's the end of August. I don't ever really expect it to feel like Fall until the middle of September and then it only lasts a few shorts weeks until the end of October. Sometimes not even that long. I distinctly remember snow on Halloween. But I also remember being able to be outside in just a sweater on Thanksgiving. Conclusion: Mother Nature has a little too much wine sometimes. I can't fault her for that. But I don't ever remember Fall coming in the middle of August.
It's been in the 60's in Michigan this last week and dare I say crisp. I wore a scarf the other day because it was cute and because I could do it without sweating and wanting to rip it of in the middle of my shopping trip. We've also been in our home here one full year now and have come full circle with all the seasons Michigan boasts. So I've been inspired to make a list of all the things that I like about each season.
Pumpkin flavored EVERYTHING
Apple orchards
Cider Mills
Cooler weather
Crisp air -it just feels cleaner and more breathable
Stores filled with back to school supplies
No more sand in my son's pockets and shoes from the playground
Flowers and trees coming back to life
Those 60 degree temps again
Opening the windows for the first time in 5 months
Flip flops
I clearly have a favorite and I'm so glad it's that time of year again. I'm starting to slowly come out of my annual summer funk. But it's going to be 80 degrees tomorrow with high humidity again. Go ahead, Mother Nature, have another glass. I'll join you.
Friday, August 28, 2015
Monday, July 20, 2015
And A Mortgage On Top Of It All
Oh the joys of home ownership. Don't get me wrong, I love that I can finally do whatever I want to my house because it's MY house. But paying for it and actually finding time to DO it? Whole different ballgame.
We've been in our house now a full year and have done some minor things but still have a huge project list that has yet to be started. I won't bore you with my full wish list, just know that it's going to take a really long time. Like, a long time. Like the kids might not be living at home anymore by the time some of it gets done. In that case I will be making expensive home improvements just so I can sell the house because we fully intend on retiring early and buying a smaller house just for us in another state that doesn't have such a cruel summer. I hate summer. That's another blog for another day.
But a few things need to happen now. The whole-house fan needs to get installed before yesterday. It's so freaking hot in Michigan in the summer. It just sucks the life out of me. Then the attic needs to be completely re-insulated before it gets cold. It's so freaking cold in Michigan in the winter and the house is drafty. Also why we will be replacing the entire front door and jam and the fireplace. The deck boards need to be replaced before the first frost to they can "weather" for 6 months before we can refinish the whole thing (a Spring project).
I'm happy to have finally purchased my own home at the age of 32. But also, kind of sad. We've lived in a lot of places and none of them were perfect. I was fine with all the little things I didn't like because we'd just move again and we always learned from the last place what to look for next. But this time there's no "next house." This is it. We've got what we've got. And we keep finding hidden gems that as first time home buyers we never thought about. Like the giant maple tree in the back yard that leans over the house causing potential (read expensive) roof hazards during any one of the nasty storms we get. Initially I saw it as a shade tree. But it's jeopardizing position has come to light. (See what I did there?)
I need to be on one of those HGTV shows that remodels and decorates and designs everything for you.
We've been in our house now a full year and have done some minor things but still have a huge project list that has yet to be started. I won't bore you with my full wish list, just know that it's going to take a really long time. Like, a long time. Like the kids might not be living at home anymore by the time some of it gets done. In that case I will be making expensive home improvements just so I can sell the house because we fully intend on retiring early and buying a smaller house just for us in another state that doesn't have such a cruel summer. I hate summer. That's another blog for another day.
But a few things need to happen now. The whole-house fan needs to get installed before yesterday. It's so freaking hot in Michigan in the summer. It just sucks the life out of me. Then the attic needs to be completely re-insulated before it gets cold. It's so freaking cold in Michigan in the winter and the house is drafty. Also why we will be replacing the entire front door and jam and the fireplace. The deck boards need to be replaced before the first frost to they can "weather" for 6 months before we can refinish the whole thing (a Spring project).
I'm happy to have finally purchased my own home at the age of 32. But also, kind of sad. We've lived in a lot of places and none of them were perfect. I was fine with all the little things I didn't like because we'd just move again and we always learned from the last place what to look for next. But this time there's no "next house." This is it. We've got what we've got. And we keep finding hidden gems that as first time home buyers we never thought about. Like the giant maple tree in the back yard that leans over the house causing potential (read expensive) roof hazards during any one of the nasty storms we get. Initially I saw it as a shade tree. But it's jeopardizing position has come to light. (See what I did there?)
I need to be on one of those HGTV shows that remodels and decorates and designs everything for you.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
Fireworks season is awesome. Yes, there are exceptions like veterans with PTSD and some animals that really have a hard time with the celebrations that this time of year brings. And, yes, there is always an influx of patients in the emergency room who were drunk and stupid and stood too close to a bottle rocket. Or you're my sister and you stepped on a sparkler and effectively melted it into the bottom of your foot. But overall fireworks are pretty cool and I love this time of year. Here's my list of reasons why:
* There is a fireworks show within driving distance every weekend, sometime multiple nights in the same weekend, for over a month encompassing the actual holiday. It's possible to see 10+ shows not including all the random ones that go off around the neighborhood.
* There are events. Carnivals, festivals, parades.
* The events have food. Elephant ears, cotton candy, kettle corn, and that hand shaken lemonade that is basically just a cup of sugar. Delicious.
* The season is full of nostalgic traditions that I'm passing on to my kids; catching fireflies while we wait for the fireworks to start, barbecues, going up north for the weekend, sparklers (unless you're my sister. She's not allowed to have them anymore), and the cake decorated with cool whip, strawberries, and blueberries.
* A three day weekend to enjoy it a little longer.
* Our nation's freedom and what it all represents.
* Wearing red, white, and blue with pride and the excuse to make it way over the top. Giant star spangled sunglasses anyone?
It's actually not my favorite holiday but the fourth of July is definitely up there as far as celebrations go. And I do enjoy any excuse to use streamers. What are your favorite traditions?
Saturday, June 27, 2015
A Worthy Investment
You can never go wrong with white tissue paper. No one's ever said, "Man, I wish I didn't buy that white tissue paper." I don't think anyone has ever been saddened or inconvenienced by owning it. Quite the opposite, in fact. Oh if I could count the times I shouted from the rooftop, "Thank goodness I have white tissue paper! Sound the trumpets, the day is saved!"
Ok, that never really happened (but it could have). Seriously, though, it's good for everything. No matter how you wrap a present you can use it. In the box, in the bag, stuff the bag. Or the famous and reoccurring event when I have an awkwardly shaped item and the bag I bought isn't big enough. Tissue paper alone becomes the wrapping of choice. Plus, it's way easier for kids to tear open, it's fast and easy to get a gift looking presentable and is readily available at every store you might already be at while running errands. No special trips for white tissue paper.
But wait, there's more!
While having white is a staple and universal, tissue paper has come a long way since the days your mother wrapped everything in a cardboard JC Penny box. It now comes in every color you can think of, snowflake designs, polka dots, glitter, confetti, you name it. This is awesome if you want to get all Martha Stewart with your gift wrapping (I'm completely guilty) and fun for kids crafting.
But you really just can't be without plain old, tried and true, standard white tissue paper. If you see it in the store, buy it. If you see it on clearance after Christmas, buy it all. Grab it at the dollar store. Stock up the next time you go to .. .. anywhere. It's seriously sold at every store I can think of right now. Do not ever run out. You won't be sorry.
Ok, that never really happened (but it could have). Seriously, though, it's good for everything. No matter how you wrap a present you can use it. In the box, in the bag, stuff the bag. Or the famous and reoccurring event when I have an awkwardly shaped item and the bag I bought isn't big enough. Tissue paper alone becomes the wrapping of choice. Plus, it's way easier for kids to tear open, it's fast and easy to get a gift looking presentable and is readily available at every store you might already be at while running errands. No special trips for white tissue paper.
But wait, there's more!
While having white is a staple and universal, tissue paper has come a long way since the days your mother wrapped everything in a cardboard JC Penny box. It now comes in every color you can think of, snowflake designs, polka dots, glitter, confetti, you name it. This is awesome if you want to get all Martha Stewart with your gift wrapping (I'm completely guilty) and fun for kids crafting.
But you really just can't be without plain old, tried and true, standard white tissue paper. If you see it in the store, buy it. If you see it on clearance after Christmas, buy it all. Grab it at the dollar store. Stock up the next time you go to .. .. anywhere. It's seriously sold at every store I can think of right now. Do not ever run out. You won't be sorry.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
I Hate This Post.
This morning I wanted to write about a depressing part of my life (you love reading my blog, don't you?) My constant struggle with my ability to be happy with myself the way I am. I think there was a time, one very brief time, when I was satisfied with how I looked in a pair of jeans and was comfortable with myself. This was right before I got pregnant with Megan.
In high school I thought I was fat because, high school. I was never happy even though I only weighed 120 lbs at 5'4". In college I gained weight because, college. After college I did every fad diet there was to lose weight before my wedding and still wasn't happy with how I looked that day. After I got married I gained weight because, housewife.
I ended up seeing a lot of doctors for a variety of other reasons and actually found out that I was insulin resistant. Some medication I was prescribed to fix some other stuff had a wonderful side effect of weight loss. Not a lot, but enough to motivate me to eat better and get to the gym to keep it going. Brian deployed and I was able to cook my own food just for me and go to the gym whenever I wanted. I lost 40 lbs. Brian came home and we started having ice cream dates and I stopped going to the gym to be home with him. You know what happened.
Then I got pregnant with my first baby and I felt free to eat whatever I wanted and certainly didn't work out. It was an excuse to be fat. But after he was born I struggled to lose the weight. When he was three I got serious about it again. I got myself back down to 130lbs. I think ONE timeI actually saw 128 on the scale but I was probably dehydrated. I was happy. I felt good. My husband was attracted to me again. Then I got pregnant with my daughter.
Don't get me wrong, I wanted this baby more than anything. It took a long time and some medical intervention to get pregnant and I was ecstatic. But it meant getting fat again and my body changing AGAIN. Mentally it was very hard for me. Now that she is 19 months old I'm still struggling with my weight and my shape and my acceptance of my adult body. I know I will never look like I did in high school. I don't want to. I'm over 30, I have two kids, and I drive a mini van. I'm supposed to wear mom jeans and a pony tail. Right? I'm just not there mentally and I don't think I have to be.
I think I can be happy with myself again, I'm just having a really hard time doing it. I don't want it to take three years but I am more depressed about it than I am motivated. It doesn't help when your 5 year old asks you why your belly is so big. *sigh* I need help.
In high school I thought I was fat because, high school. I was never happy even though I only weighed 120 lbs at 5'4". In college I gained weight because, college. After college I did every fad diet there was to lose weight before my wedding and still wasn't happy with how I looked that day. After I got married I gained weight because, housewife.
I ended up seeing a lot of doctors for a variety of other reasons and actually found out that I was insulin resistant. Some medication I was prescribed to fix some other stuff had a wonderful side effect of weight loss. Not a lot, but enough to motivate me to eat better and get to the gym to keep it going. Brian deployed and I was able to cook my own food just for me and go to the gym whenever I wanted. I lost 40 lbs. Brian came home and we started having ice cream dates and I stopped going to the gym to be home with him. You know what happened.
Then I got pregnant with my first baby and I felt free to eat whatever I wanted and certainly didn't work out. It was an excuse to be fat. But after he was born I struggled to lose the weight. When he was three I got serious about it again. I got myself back down to 130lbs. I think ONE timeI actually saw 128 on the scale but I was probably dehydrated. I was happy. I felt good. My husband was attracted to me again. Then I got pregnant with my daughter.
Don't get me wrong, I wanted this baby more than anything. It took a long time and some medical intervention to get pregnant and I was ecstatic. But it meant getting fat again and my body changing AGAIN. Mentally it was very hard for me. Now that she is 19 months old I'm still struggling with my weight and my shape and my acceptance of my adult body. I know I will never look like I did in high school. I don't want to. I'm over 30, I have two kids, and I drive a mini van. I'm supposed to wear mom jeans and a pony tail. Right? I'm just not there mentally and I don't think I have to be.
I think I can be happy with myself again, I'm just having a really hard time doing it. I don't want it to take three years but I am more depressed about it than I am motivated. It doesn't help when your 5 year old asks you why your belly is so big. *sigh* I need help.
Monday, June 1, 2015
The Birthday Party Blog!
Caleb had a birthday, as so many of us do. He turned 5. My BABY turned FIVE! He drives me crazy. Absolutely bonkers. But he also made me realize how much love you could have for another human, even when I sometimes think he isn't. Which is why he got a Superman birthday party this year. Well, that and because it's all he talked about for a month.

Some simple decorations and goody bags, yummy Superman cake and cupcakes, and even REAL kryptonite! (green rock candy). We finished it off with, of course, Superman ice cream.

Everyone seemed to have a great time and Caleb was thrilled to have all his friends there. Thank you to everyone who came and made his 5th birthday so special, and to my sister-in-law for helping me make 15 tiny superhero capes. He's already told me that next year he wants a robot theme with real robots. I think I better start now.
We started with a telephone booth for the tiny superheroes to change into their capes. Grown Ups got a Daily Planet Press Pass.

Then they tested their super strength by knocking down a brick wall.
![]() |

Some simple decorations and goody bags, yummy Superman cake and cupcakes, and even REAL kryptonite! (green rock candy). We finished it off with, of course, Superman ice cream.

Everyone seemed to have a great time and Caleb was thrilled to have all his friends there. Thank you to everyone who came and made his 5th birthday so special, and to my sister-in-law for helping me make 15 tiny superhero capes. He's already told me that next year he wants a robot theme with real robots. I think I better start now.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Hello, Kettle? This is Pot...
Remember my rant about not RSVPing to an invitation? Remember how I was all up in arms and on a soapbox about how rude it is and inconsiderate and how the downfall of society is eminent if we don’t lend ourselves to common decency? (that may be an exaggeration)
Diagram: 1: Foot. 2: Mouth.
Directions: Insert.
Caleb got an invitation to a birthday party from a little girl in his class. I’m pretty sure he only got it because we invited her to his party, but that’s moot. The invitation said “RSVP regrets only.” Caleb said he wanted to go so I never sent any correspondence.
The party was today and when I reminded Caleb about it last night he was all upset about it and really, really didn’t want to go. I’m not going to make my kid go to a birthday party that he doesn’t want to be at for a kid he’s not really friends with. Plus now I can return the obligatory gift we got.
So, hi. I’m a hypocrite. But in my defense I thought we would be going and she said regrets only!! I mean, she didn’t come to Caleb’s party either. But she did RSVP…
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Zombie Land
I don’t sleep. I think most moms of little ones can relate. But my little ones aren’t so little anymore and I really feel like I should be getting more sleep than I do.
Megan wakes up at least once, usually twice, every night. Caleb wakes up and wants to come into our bed probably 4 nights a week. I’m trying really hard to break him of this and walk him back to his own room. But that means getting out of bed and at 3am when I’ve just gotten back INTO bed from taking care of the girl it’s just easier to scoot over and let him in. Criticize all you want, but is it really so bad that my son wants to snuggle with me?
And why me? Why not Dad? I understand that kids are needy, especially when they honestly can’t do some things for themselves. But why do they always need ME? Why is it always MOM? I love my kids. I really, really do. But I just need a break sometimes. And you know what I want to do? Sleep.
Someday when the kids are older and I have less responsibilities, when life settles down and I’m not so stressed, I’ll be able to sleep all the way through the night. I’ll get to take naps (which the husband does every weekend) and these bags under my eyes will diminish.
**Coming soon: Caleb’s 5th Birthday Blog!
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Just Text Me "Yes" or "No"
Do people not RSVP anymore? Is this a thing of the past? Am I too old fashioned to think that this is still something we should be doing and teaching to our children? (Along with hand written thank you notes).
Caleb’s birthday party is in less than a week. We sent out invitations to family and put some in the mailboxes at school of his closest friends. I think that was around April 13. I asked that people RSVP by April 30 for a May 9th party. That’s more than 2 weeks to look at calendars and schedules and figure out if you can make it. Or rearrange schedules if you really, really, really, REALLY want to come to a 5 year old’s Superman themed birthday party. I think that’s reasonable.
But do people respond? Some. The people I knew would be there. Papa, my sister, the usual family. Everyone else?
Seriously I just want to know if you’re coming so I can make sure I have enough food and a goody bag for your kid. So now do I buy and make enough bags for ALL the kids he invited and waste most of it if they don’t show up? Or do I only make enough for the kids I know are coming and if the others show up I say tough luck, Chuck, your mom should have RSVP’d.
Ugh. Turning 5 is hard.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Life is Not a Giant Game of Frogger
My day didn’t initially start off so bad. Caleb was good this morning, we got off to school, Megan ate breakfast and we had a normal morning. Then I got her ready and we left the house for her 18 month doctor’s visit.
That’s when it happened. I saw it coming. There was nothing I could do. I tried to swerve but he was too fast. It was like it happened in slow motion….. he was running and I was breaking and….
I ran over a squirrel.
This is the third time in my lifetime that I’ve hit an animal while driving. One time it was another squirrel. That was much more traumatic. Did you know that squirrels can scream? I heard it. The person in the car behind me told me they heard it. I can’t unhear it.The other animal was a coyote. They’re a lot smaller than I thought… still horrible.
Why does a little squirrel have to try to run across a busy road?! I tried to zig but he zagged. I’ve thought about it all day and can’t get the rear view mirror image out of my head. Poor little guy…
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
You're Not Funny
I’ve been told I should start blogging again. I asked why. Answer? Because I’m funny. You think I’m funny? Sure, let’s go with that.
Let’s start with why I stopped blogging in the first place. Two reasons: I had no time and I’m not very good at it. Honestly, though, if I try hard enough there is time. I was trying to post a new blog 3-4 times a week and that’s just not realistic when you have two kids, a job, and a husband, and a house, and… ugh. I’m tired now. But I think once a week is doable. And if I can’t find a few minutes to myself to write a blog once a week then I need to reevaluate my life choices. And the not being good at it part? Well, I’m not sure how great of a writer I am, or how interesting I am, but if I’m being asked to do it again then somebody likes it. And that’s good enough for me. Plus she called me funny.
So set up an RSS or RRS or whatever it is (do I have to make a button for that? I don’t know how these things work), or notification, or pay your co-worker to check back often for you. Here’s to the start of a beautiful new relationship with my old blog (which I will have to rename because we’ve since settled and bought a house). Cheers!
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