Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Life is Not a Giant Game of Frogger

My day didn’t initially start off so bad. Caleb was good this morning, we got off to school, Megan ate breakfast and we had a normal morning. Then I got her ready and we left the house for her 18 month doctor’s visit.

That’s when it happened. I saw it coming. There was nothing I could do. I tried to swerve but he was too fast. It was like it happened in slow motion….. he was running and I was breaking and….

I ran over a squirrel.


This is the third time in my lifetime that I’ve hit an animal while driving. One time it was another squirrel. That was much more traumatic. Did you know that squirrels can scream? I heard it. The person in the car behind me told me they heard it. I can’t unhear it.The other animal was a coyote. They’re a lot smaller than I thought… still horrible.

Why does a little squirrel have to try to run across a busy road?! I tried to zig but he zagged. I’ve thought about it all day and can’t get the rear view mirror image out of my head. Poor little guy…

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

You're Not Funny

I’ve been told I should start blogging again. I asked why. Answer? Because I’m funny. You think I’m funny? Sure, let’s go with that.

Let’s start with why I stopped blogging in the first place. Two reasons: I had no time and I’m not very good at it. Honestly, though, if I try hard enough there is time. I was trying to post a new blog 3-4 times a week and that’s just not realistic when you have two kids, a job, and a husband, and a house, and… ugh. I’m tired now. But I think once a week is doable. And if I can’t find a few minutes to myself to write a blog once a week then I need to reevaluate my life choices. And the not being good at it part? Well, I’m not sure how great of a writer I am, or how interesting I am, but if I’m being asked to do it again then somebody likes it. And that’s good enough for me. Plus she called me funny.

So set up an RSS or RRS or whatever it is (do I have to make a button for that? I don’t know how these things work), or notification, or pay your co-worker to check back often for you. Here’s to the start of a beautiful new relationship with my old blog (which I will have to rename because we’ve since settled and bought a house). Cheers!