Saturday, May 23, 2015

Hello, Kettle? This is Pot...

Remember my rant about not RSVPing to an invitation? Remember how I was all up in arms and on a soapbox about how rude it is and inconsiderate and how the downfall of society is eminent if we don’t lend ourselves to common decency?  (that may be an exaggeration)

Diagram:   1: Foot. 2: Mouth.
Directions:  Insert.

Caleb got an invitation to a birthday party from a little girl in his class. I’m pretty sure he only got it because we invited her to his party, but that’s moot. The invitation said “RSVP regrets only.” Caleb said he wanted to go so I never sent any correspondence.

The party was today and when I reminded Caleb about it last night he was all upset about it and really, really didn’t want to go. I’m not going to make my kid go to a birthday party that he doesn’t want to be at for a kid he’s not really friends with. Plus now I can return the obligatory gift we got.

So, hi. I’m a hypocrite. But in my defense I thought we would be going and she said regrets only!! I mean, she didn’t come to Caleb’s party either. But she did RSVP…

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Zombie Land

I don’t sleep. I think most moms of little ones can relate. But my little ones aren’t so little anymore and I really feel like I should be getting more sleep than I do.

Megan wakes up at least once, usually twice, every night. Caleb wakes up and wants to come into our bed probably 4 nights a week. I’m trying really hard to break him of this and walk him back to his own room. But that means getting out of bed and at 3am when I’ve just gotten back INTO bed from taking care of the girl it’s just easier to scoot over and let him in. Criticize all you want, but is it really so bad that my son wants to snuggle with me?

And why me? Why not Dad? I understand that kids are needy, especially when they honestly can’t do some things for themselves. But why do they always need ME? Why is it always MOM? I love my kids. I really, really do. But I just need a break sometimes. And you know what I want to do? Sleep.

Someday when the kids are older and I have less responsibilities, when life settles down and I’m not so stressed, I’ll be able to sleep all the way through the night. I’ll get to take naps (which the husband does every weekend) and these bags under my eyes will diminish.


**Coming soon: Caleb’s 5th Birthday Blog!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Just Text Me "Yes" or "No"

Do people not RSVP anymore? Is this a thing of the past? Am I too old fashioned to think that this is still something we should be doing and teaching to our children? (Along with hand written thank you notes).

Caleb’s birthday party is in less than a week. We sent out invitations to family and put some in the mailboxes at school of his closest friends. I think that was around April 13.  I asked that people RSVP by April 30 for a May 9th party. That’s more than 2 weeks to look at calendars and schedules and figure out if you can make it. Or rearrange schedules if you really, really, really, REALLY want to come to a 5 year old’s Superman themed birthday party. I think that’s reasonable.

But do people respond? Some. The people I knew would be there. Papa, my sister, the usual family. Everyone else?

Seriously I just want to know if you’re coming so I can make sure I have enough food and a goody bag for your kid. So now do I buy and make enough bags for ALL the kids he invited and waste most of it if they don’t show up? Or do I only make enough for the kids I know are coming and if the others show up I say tough luck, Chuck, your mom should have RSVP’d.

Ugh. Turning 5 is hard.