Life is moving a long and I'm going with it. My sister-in-law said the other day that she "keeps thinking life will slow down after ____ but then there's another ____." And I thought, yes. There's always another ____ because that's what life is. It's a bunch of ____s, one after another. I worry about what would happen if it ever stopped.
As much as we say we want life to slow down, hold on, relax a minute I think that if we didn't have school and work and a doctor's appointment, soccer practice, play group, that party you said you'd plan, your second cousin's wedding you can't remember why you said you'd be a bridesmaid for.... If we didn't have all of that we wouldn't really have a life, would we?
When you're 80 do you want to say you spent your life slowing down sitting on a couch? No. Sure a Saturday doing that is fantastic and we all need it. Believe me when I get a day when I don't HAVE to do anything it's amazing. But without the _____ I don't know what would keep me going. So I say don't stress about it. Enjoy it. Know that all the _____s make your life your LIFE and look forward to the next one, even if it blindsides you.
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