Monday, October 18, 2010

Where Is My Caramel Frappuccino?

You know that McDonald’s commercial where they all say “My me time is when…” I’ve decided that me time doesn’t exist for moms. I have an ever growing list of things I want to do that will never get done because they require me time. Examples include painting my toe nails and catching up on missed episodes of Glee (which I wouldn’t have missed if I had me time in the first place). None of it HAS to get done. But it would be nice if I has just a few minutes to do something just for me, just because I wanted to.

Our household is backwards from the typical single income home. I work while my husband stays home with the baby. I love my job, but that’s what it is, a job. It’s not relaxing, it’s work. When I come home I’d like to wind down, maybe have a glass of wine, browse the internet. Instead when I come home I clean up a days worth of dishes and bottles, tissues and dog toys, start a load of laundry and dinner.

I also understand that The Captain has been at home all day with Mister and he needs a break. I was home with the baby all day during my maternity leave while The Captain worked. I get it. I completely understand and I am more than happy to kiss and squeeze my little boy after a long day. Taking Mister of his hands means I’m typically doing all of those household chores with a baby on my hip. It’s hard not to grumble and think “If I can do this one handed why can’t he?” And then I remind myself that it’s because I’m superwoman.

The Captain usually plays video games after dinner and I’m in charge of keeping Mister entertained until it’s time for a bath and bed. I try not to get frustrated because he’s had the baby all stinkin’ day and now it’s my turn. But I’ve been at work all day, it’s not exactly leisure. So how come The Captain gets me time and I don’t? Where’s my caramel frappuccino?

1 comment:

  1. The same exact reason they can't do anything for themselves. Why can't they turn their sweaty socks the right way before WE wash them? Why will they sit on a stack of clean laundry long before actually putting it away? Why do I have to wake up my husband every day because he can't get up to an alarm, but I'm expected to? Why do they ask where everything is without even looking for it?(Because they never put anything away) The list goes on. They.are.infants.
