Turns out I’m really just PMSing and irritable.
I’m fine now and, looking back on my day, nothing was really as bad as my hypersensitive emotions made it all out to be. I even slept in until 7:30. That’s AMAZING. But that just couldn’t make me happy.
So, despite my constant ranting all day long, the only thing rant worthy is the PMS itself. Why does it turn us into monsters? I understand how the female body works and I think I know more about the hormones and what exactly they do each month than the average person. What I don’t know is why we become irrational lunatics for 3-5 days before our body finally says “Go! Be gone evilness!” and our period starts. In medieval times it was actually believed that the menstrual cycle was poison leaving a woman’s body and a “sinister time” in which she should be kept in solitude until she was clean.
Gee, I wonder why anyone would ever think that. I’m surprised they didn’t perform more exorcisms.
Don't tell my family. they will want to lock me away for a week too!! It was really bad before the prozac. my happy pills. my family is happy i take them :)