I took Mister grocery shopping which I thought was going to be a disaster. He didn’t nap until we got in the car to go to the store and he woke up as soon as we got there. Fail. Good thing there is a Starbucks right next to the commissary. Coffee for me and chocolate milk for Mister (which he rarely gets). He was so stinking happy. But he sucked it down so fast that it didn’t even last through the produce department and he was crabby again. I broke down and gave him a binkie. Sometimes you need to break your own rules in order to keep your sanity.
I was sure he would take a nap when we got home. No dice. He didn’t fall asleep again until we got back in the car to go to my parent’s house for dinner. He promptly woke up when I tried to lay him down inside.
Now, if I am overly tired I just want to take out my contacts and crawl into bed. All I want is my pillow and a maybe a blanket to curl up with. My eyes close and I’m done. Toddlers? No. The more tired they are the more they fight to sleep. Mister can take a solid 3 hour nap during the day and go to bed with ease that night. If he misses a nap I can expect bedtime to involve nuclear missile threats. I don’t get it.
Where’s my nap?
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