I woke up while Brian was flying around the house trying to get ready. I needed up anyway to shower and get the dog to the groomer. In the middle of my shower Caleb yells "potty!" so out I come, dripping wet running down the hallway trying to hold up a towel so I can get him to the potty. We made it.
Breakfast was a fight. Brushing teeth was a fight. Getting dressed was a fight. Finally Caleb and I are both ready. The plan: Drop the dog off at the groomer and hit Costco while we wait. I've got the list, extra clothes for Caleb, I covered my car seat with sheet to minimize dog hair, travel mug of coffee in hand. Locked the house up and buckled Caleb in his seat only to realize I forgot the dog.
We made it to Costco and wandered around killing time. I only needed chicken but I wanted to get it last to minimize the time it wasn't refrigerated. I got 17 other things I didn't need and the groomer called. We got all checked out and to the car, putting everything in the trunk when I realized I forgot the chicken. Back inside we went.
Caleb fell asleep before we got back to the groomer. 10 minutes. He woke up when we got there. That will be his nap for the day.
A portion of a major road on my commute back home was closed so we followed a very.slow. line of cars through a winding side street detour. There were police directing traffic but 'Im not sure how much they were helping. It reminded me of trying to get home after the fireworks in Michigan. It took me 30 minutes to go 2 miles.
Caleb spilled his fruit pouch all over his last clean pair of pants and had to sit in it until we got home. I forgot to put dinner in the crockpot before we left. A political activist knocked on my door. Oh, and Brian shaved Caleb's head last night while I was shopping. I quit.
Aw man. I've had those days. They happen less as time goes on, I promise. But they're never less hard on your ego and spirit. Being mom is hard. It's worth it, but it's hard.