It wasn't a very nice divorce and he wasn't very nice to my sister or their children, but he and I specifically never had any problems. He and my husband always got along well, too. The thing is, though, I will always choose my sister. And my husband will always choose me. It's sad that there have to be sides but there are some situations in which you just can't be Switzerland. The result is the end of a relationship between sister and brother-in-law and between friends.
I still have what I think is a current phone number for him and I almost sent him a text wishing him a happy birthday. I thought better of it, though. The last time I sent him a text just asking for his current address he got all Let's-get-together-when-you're-in-town-I-miss-you-guys on me and I don't want to have that conversation. I don't want to have any conversation. I just want to wish him a happy birthday. Because I'm a decent human being. And I honestly do hope that his birthday is happy. But not enough to actually say it and risk opening that door again.
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