Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Butterflies Were Not On The List

Do you ever feel like you have so much to do and nothing ever gets done? I've been feeling that way for a few weeks. I have a MILLION (it's a million, I counted) things to do, errands to run, items to pick up, and appointments to make (and keep ).

I have a hard time keeping things organized in my head and if I don't write things down I will inevitably forget at least one thing. Probably more like three things, but I'll never get it all. A simple trip to Target for a few items absolutely requires a list or it will require a return trip. Ain't nobody got time for that!

I think we all know how much I love lists. My lists have lists. I love being organized and in control and planning so lists are like little love notes to myself. Just sitting down to write a list makes me feel productive. And when I cross something off? It's such a great feeling of accomplishment that it makes me want to do MORE so I can keep crossing things off. Sometimes I put things on my list that I've already done just so I can cross them off. This is how meth addicts start, isn't it?

The problem I'm having now is that I keep adding things and I'm not crossing anything off. It's painful because I'm so busy doing a billion things (it's a billion, I counted) and it's all just extra stuff. I take a break at the end of a very productive get-er-done kind of day and look at my list to see what I can cross off. I need that high. Nothing. Not one thing. How is this possible?!

It's defeating.

I finally got around to scheduling the dog groomer for tomorrow morning. I planned on staying in the area and getting things done while I waited. I vowed to make it a cross-things-off kind of morning. Good. Good plan.

But Caleb has been asking to go see the butterflies at the Wild Animal Park. It's my day off and I just can't say no to that adorable face when he leans into me with his whole body, presses his chin against my belly and looks up at me and says "Pweeeeeaase Mommy?"

So the dog appointment gets canceled, the produce market will have to wait, and the other gazillion things (it's a gazillion, I counted) will just have to find another time to get done. I'm spending the day with my family and some butterflies.


  1. but you see, spending time with your family is always number one on the list. it doesn't get crossed off, just checked off to make sure you did it every day. You are begin productive!

  2. Butterflies are a way better way to spend your day!

    I suggest putting easier things on your list like wake up, brush teeth, cuddle, drink coffee. :)
