Blink again, it won't help. I said baby. Surprise! Baby #2 is on his/her way! Actually not so much of a surprise. We tried for another baby for almost a year with no luck. I eventually sought out help from my OB/GYN who referred me to an infertility specialist.
It was devastating to me to think that I actually needed infertility treatment. I never thought that would be me. But, because of my PCOS and despite the metformin I take I still don't ovulate. I'm just not able to get pregnant on my own, which is painful to admit. I'm a woman, my job is to repopulate the earth and I can't.
I am not in the business of playing God. I believe that God makes babies, not doctors. So right from the beginning Brian and I decided that we would not do any form of in vitro fertilization. But I also believe that it's my job to take care of the body God gave me and make sure it's working properly. We decided to go ahead with fertility medication to make me ovulate. All this did was get my body and my hormones back in working order and then we still had to get pregnant the old fashioned way. (TMI? I don't care) God still created this little gummy bear inside me.
It was a slow process and the first cycle of medication didn't work. I got impatient as we neared a full year of trying for a baby. The anxiety of every late period and the pain of every negative test started to wear me down. We started talking about adoption thinking that this wasn't going to happen for us, and still I tried to be patient and remind myself that God has His own timing. This is not easy for a person who likes control and thought out plans. I had a plan too! I had to remind myself daily that my plan didn't matter.
But God did have a plan and He has blessed us with our little bean and we couldn't be more excited. So you're going to be blombarded (blog + bombarded, get it?) with baby posts until we catch up to the present state of my gestation. And then it'll ease off. Or not. Pregnant women love to talk about their pregnancies....