First, the cleaning. I deep cleaned the house before they got here. Things I don't do on a regular basis (but maybe should) like scrub the grout on the counter and shampoo the carpets at 11:00pm. And when they leave, the cleaning. Because after a week with two extra people in the house there are messes in places I forgot about.
Second, it's exhausting. We did something everyday. We went to the zoo, we went to Seaport Village, Easter at my step-brother's house, we went out to dinner, out for ice cream, shopping, and on and on. Plus we were up late every night chatting and playing cards. I still had to work two of those days and I didn't get much sleep.
It really was a lot of fun, though, and Papa spoiled Caleb like crazy. He got so many new toys and more treats and snacks than we normally would have given him. Caleb got to ride a train for the first time, too. We decided to take the trolly to Seaport Village and he had a blast.
It was really nice having them here but at the same time I'm glad to get back to our normal routines and have my house back.
You're so right! Company is great - but exhausting. I'm always just as glad to see them leave as I was to have them arrive.