I was wrong.
I checked in, she handed me the lab slip and as I turned around to go to the lab the lights went out. The entire building lost power. Great. I walked down to the lab and she drew my blood anyway, just moved the chair over to the window so she could see. Back in the doctor’s office I knew I couldn’t have an ultrasound without electricity but she assured me that the power would be back in soon and they’d get me right in. Again, I knew I couldn’t reschedule so I sat down and wait with my full bladder.
At 2:30 I was really, really ready to pee. I shifted in my chair because my leg started to hurt. Big mistake. Shifting my legs also shifted my bladder and sent extra signals to my brain about how full it was. If bladders could curse mine would have made a sailor blush. Ok, no more shifting.
I sat still. Very still. At 3:00 I was in so much pain I was labor breathing. Sitting in the dark I wonder if some of the other patients might have thought I was really in labor. I thought about asking if I could pee just a little but I didn’t dare get up or I might not be able to sit back down. I was also convinced that as soon as I peed the electricity would come back on and I would be out of luck.
I was nearly in tears. I tried meditating. I tried the power of suggestion, “I do not have to pee. I have held it longer than this before. I am stronger than my bladder.” I closed my eyes and prayed to God that the lights would come back on. I tried distracting myself with games on my phone and watching other people come into the office and trip over chairs in the dark.
Then at 3:30 the lights came on! I almost cried again because I was so happy. But two people went in before me. And I knew judging by the size of the second woman’s belly that this was her anatomy scan and she would be in there for a long time. I couldn’t wait anymore. I got up slowly and painfully to hobble to the bathroom. Walking was unbearable and both bathrooms were in use. While I waited the tech came out and called my name, finally!! She actually let me go to the bathroom before she started. I almost didn’t make it and even after I peed I was still in pain. But she got the test done and I’m pretty sure my skin isn’t yellow anymore.
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