Saturday, June 8, 2013

Tylenol Just Doesn't Cut It

I never used to get headaches. Even when my doctors discovered that I had chronic hypertension I didn't have any of the typical symptoms, including headaches. The past year has been one giant stabbing pain through my cranium. Ouch. Now when ever my blood pressure gets really really high, I get a headache. Once it sent me to  urgent care  with a BP of 180/120. 

Since I've been pregnant I've been getting headaches. Now, my blood pressure isn't exactly perfect but it isn't so high that I should be getting debilitating  pains in my grey matter 3-4 times a week. It seriously puts me down. I don't really know what a true migraine feels like but this might be it.

I hope it's just pregnancy and not a brain tumor. I already have one of those.


  1. Not sure it will make you feel better, but I had debilitating headaches when I was pregnant with Reagan. They finally eased up around 20ish weeks and became less frequent. Hopefully you get some relief soon!

    1. That actually does make me feel better. Not that you had headaches, that's awful and I'm sorry you went through that. But it gives me hope that it's just a "normal" pregnancy thing and not my crazy blood pressure trying to make my brain explode.
