Sunday, July 21, 2013

It's a thing

Worst pregnancy brain day ever. Pregnancy brain is a real thing, I probably use it as an excuse more than is appropriate, but it's real. Let me tell you about yesterday.

Caleb had a birthday party to go to in the morning that was 45 minutes away. I did so many dumb things while trying to get us both ready but was proud of myself for only being 5 minutes late and remembering the present. But Caleb was a disaster half way through and we had to leave.

He fell asleep in the car and I took advantage of the nearest drive-thru Starbucks. I ordered a tall half-caff. Maybe I should have actually said coffee but it took the cashier a minute to realize what I wanted. My fault or his? I don't know, but I felt stupid and frustrated.

We were supposed to take my parents out to Benihana for a late Father's Day dinner. He was really excited about it. But I completely overlooked making a reservation. At 4:30 I tried calling for a same evening reservation. Ha. Not going to happen. But they'll try to seat walk-ins so we went anyway.

Driving to my dad's house I missed the freeway exit. I don't know how many times I've driven there and never missed the exit. There are 7,492 things I could have done next to still get us to my dad's house on time. I did none of them. We were late.

We got to Benihana and, after paying for valet because there are exactly 4 parking spots in the whole lot that aren't assigned, we discovered a 3 hour wait. Of course. I don't know why we even tried. The attendant got my car which was parked for less than 2 minutes and wasn't sympathetic at all. He also didn't get a tip.

After a long evening we all came home and went to bed. I forgot I was on call for work and didn't take my phone to bed with me. I never heard it ring. Seven times I didn't hear it ring. Finally they called Brian's phone which he heard and I got ready in a panic and drove to work at 5am without brushing my teeth.

I'm awesome at this.


  1. you lose 25% of brain cells per child.

    1. I forgot to add that while getting Caleb ready for dinner I noticed he had worn a hole in his shoes. I grabbed another pair that had been sitting by his dresser forever and never worn. I cut the tags off before trying them on. Too tight.
