Thursday, July 12, 2012

Try Something New

This never intended to be a weight loss blog. It’s just a place to let my craziness collect so I don’t explode. I just wanted to blog about whatever is on my mind or going on in the world around me. But lately what’s been on my mind is diet, exercise, and the need to fit into a dress that I already bought for a wedding in 6 weeks.

My weight has always been at the forefront of my thoughts, even when I was thin. I check every nutrition label before I buy food, I choose items off a menu based on the calorie count provided (btw, I LOVE that more and more restaurants and chains are doing this. It makes life so much easier for me). It’s probably more of an obsession than it should be. And now I’ve got my fitness guru and cheering team getting me to exercise more. As a result, you get to hear about it. I’m sure my loyal few are getting sick of this topic, though, so I’m going to try something new. Let’s rant. Yeah for complaining!! Not really, but there are things that bug and irritate all of us. So I’m going to try to post every Thursday about something that I could really, really do without. I stole this idea (kind of) from another blog. So here’s my first Thursday Rant. (If you think of a more creative title than that I welcome suggestions).


*shudder* They really creep me out. Nothing should have more than four legs, it’s just weird. Growing up in Michigan we had daddy long legs. I will spare you a photo because I don’t want to look at it either. They were in abundance in every garage and basement but harmless. Still, eww.

Since moving to my latest location in California I have discovered a plethora of species. In.My.House. And they’re BIG and they look angry. I don’t like any kind of insect in my house and my general rule is that if you’re outside, you live. If you trespass into my home, you die. But I just can’t kill spiders. *shudder* It just gives me the heebie jeebies. The Captain is the official spider killer and I literally make him stop whatever he is doing when I find one, which is about twice a day. He’s been gone and I’ve been brave but I just can’t take it anymore.

Until recently they’ve just been annoying and causing involuntary shivers up my spine (do you think that burns calories?). Yesterday, though, Mister woke up with three bites. Not one, three. The poor little guy is so sensitive to bug bites and I feel so bad. Besides itching he swells up and gets little blisters.

So that’s it. I have to do something more than grab a shoe when I see a spider. Not only are they trespassing but now they are hurting my family. No. Not going to happen. Can you call an exterminator for spiders?

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