Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I love accessories. Bracelets, shoes, scarves, purses. All of it.  I love accessories because they don't make you look fat. Even on my ugliest most water retaining PMS bloated day those earrings I got on clearance are still cute.

Most of all, shoes. But here's my problem. I rarely wear the shoes I buy because I never wear the outfit I bought them for. Or worse yet - I never BOUGHT the outfit I PICTURED myself having when I bought the shoes in the first place.

I adore those flats, and I want to be skinny enough to wear the jeans that go with them. That belt is amazing, but the sweater dress I would wear it with doesn't fit.
I'm not kidding when I tell you that I have shoes in my closet that I have owned for 5 years and never worn. They go with a very specific type of dress that I simply cannot pull off. But.I.Love.Those.Shoes.
So even though my accessories don't make me look fat, the outfits they go with do. And until it's socially acceptable to wear heeled boots that match your purse with an oversized hoodie and yoga pants, I will continue to buy things that collect dust.

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