Saturday, December 28, 2013

Year In Review

Yesterday while updating files on my computer I found one titled "2013 Bucket List." See, I don't generally make new year's resolutions. I think it's because subconsciously I don't want to feel like a failure if I don't accomplish that one thing. Based on my track record the odds are good that I won't. But if I make a bucket list for the year then it's more like a small set of goals instead of one big thing that must come to pass or I will have effectively accomplished nothing because I quit trying in February.

I looked at my "bucket list" of things I wanted to do in 2013. I really wasn't able to check off much. In my defense, I did have a baby which threw a wrench in a lot of my plans. Ironically, number 14 on the list was "have a baby." I really didn't think this list through.

But when I read over the other things on the list it occurred to me that I wasn't bothered by the fact that they weren't completed. I don't think I genuinely wanted to do them in the first place. I mean, come on, run a half marathon?  ME!?! No. I don't want to do that. I have zero desire to run. At all. Ever. That's on the list because marathons are what people in their thirties are supposed to do.

And read three books? I don't really care about that either. I could spend time with my son while he still loves me or lock myself in a room with my nose in a book that will be late getting back to the library. Easy decision.

Other things on the list that didn't happen:
Get a puppy (because I had a baby)
Go on vacation (because I had a baby)
Christmas in Michigan (because I had a baby)
Lose 10 lbs (because I was pregnant, and had a baby)
etc. etc. etc.
So I was able to accomplish and check off one thing in 2013. And even though it meant putting almost everything else aside, it was the very best thing I could have done with my year. And all those other things.... they don't even matter.

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