Thursday, October 17, 2013

Letting It Ride

I saw my doctor yesterday, even though I wasn't supposed to. I was scheduled for my regular NST and fluid check but not a visit with the doctor until Friday's appointment. When I was called back the nurse said "are you seeing the doctor today?" I told her that I wasn't scheduled to but that I wish I was. She made it happen.

I talked to her about the jerk perinatologist and asked her all my questions and explained all my concerns. Without crying. I'm so proud of myself. She basically agreed with me that the perinatologist should have had a little more compassion and presented things in a more professional manner, that often times they are focused on the baby and forget that the person sitting in front of them is a patient, too.

She also agreed with his recommendation, though. But I feel better hearing it from her and knowing that she is on board with letting things ride. She was very impressed with how much growth there was (even though it wasn't much, she was expecting less). She said "To be honest, I really thought you were going to have a baby on Monday." So did I. No one, not a single doctor I've seen, thought we'd make it this far.

So right now the plan is to go in 3 times a week for NST and fluid check, blood work once a week and seeing the doctor once a week. If at any point any of those go south or my blood pressure spikes then we'll deliver. Otherwise we're hanging in there and it's really day by day.

But 37 weeks (which if you remember was initially called a miracle to reach) is still the day. My doctor said that even if everything is still stable that's the day we bail her out. And I'll happily take that miracle.

1 comment:

  1. sounds good. 37 weeks is a good goal, and baby girl has had the lung shots to make it even easier! Hang in there!!
