Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Give Me My Personality Back

You guys? I'm in a funk. I don't know what it is. I finally got my hair done and I feel great about that. My in-laws are coming in two weeks and I'm excited to see them and visit with them. I'm going out to lunch and shopping with a friend tomorrow. It's not like I've got nothing to look forward to or be happy about.

So why I do I feel so sluggish and down and irritable? I've had a sore throat (still) and that makes me what to do nothing but lay on the couch. I'm fatigued, more than usual. I'm stressing out more than usual about housework. I'm not drinking enough water because I'm drinking so much coffee which isn't helping my cramps.

Oh. Cramps.

I hate you PMS

1 comment:

  1. its PMS. the funk lasts a week or so. I take these really pretty pills now that keep me out of the funk for the most part.
