Tuesday, March 19, 2013

In A Perfect World

I have a love-hate relationship with Pinterest. On the one hand, I love that I can keep myself more organized. I used to print every recipe I wanted to try (which only cluttered my recipe book with papers). I used to keep a draft email to myself with links to random web sites that I wanted to go back to later. Ok, I still do this but mostly because I can't "pin" things while I'm at work.

I've got a board for recipes, one for snack recipes, one for holiday recipes, one for desserts. I've got ideas for decorating the house, holiday decorations, and Caleb's room. It's more organized than a lot of other areas of my life. And it's easy.

Here's the thing. I don't actually DO any of those things. I tried a few appetizer ideas for Caleb's birthday party last year and that's it. I've never done any of the fun crafty ideas that I've pinned under "Fun For The Kids." I've never repurposed an old dresser to make a kitchen island. And I never will.

When I'm bored (yeah, like I don't ever actually have something else I need to be doing) I sometimes browse through my pins and think "hey, that'd be a fun project today!" but I inevitably don't have any of the supplies to create it or ingredients to bake it. And I'm too lazy to go out and get them and too scatterbrained to plan ahead.

So Pinterest is like my online fantasy world of all the things I would do and make and be and have if I were a perfect mom and had all the time and money in the world. You look at my boards and that's not really me, that's what I WANT to be.

Want to follow my failures? There are some good ones!

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