Thursday, January 17, 2013

Ten Pounds Before Bathing Suit Season

Seems like everyone I know is on some sort of a diet or health kick right now. I guess it's that time of year. I'm really sick of hearing "New Year, New You." Allison sent me a link to myfitnesspal and when I got to work that night I learned that two of my co-workers are using it too. And they love it. Ok, I'm in.

I've only been using it a couple of days but so far I like it much better than the previous online calorie counter/diet nazi that I had been using. The page somehow actually makes me feel encouraged to enter my calories. Maybe it's lying to me about how many calories were in those McDonald's fries so I won't get discouraged.

Something that I have learned from my many.many attempts at weight loss is that I do much better when I have someone I'm accountable to. So now I've got three friends using the same online program and my sister who has kicked into high gear this hear.

She joined weight watchers and started a blog about her progress. That was probably the smartest thing ever. Nothing like a public blog that puts everything out there (including the heaviest photo of yourself ever taken) to keep you accountable.

So here's to my sister, Allison, and all my other friends, real and virtual, who are on this journey. May we hold each other accountable and not get discouraged when we have one bad day. Here's to making healthy choices and not just counting calories. We can do it.


  1. good for you. I started my weight loss in august. Weight Watchers helped me not gain a ton of weight over the holidays.

  2. Losing weight is hard. Good luck!
