Sunday, September 8, 2013

How much longer.....

I know that every pregnancy is different. I guess I was just expecting the different things to be more like how I carried the baby and the extent of nausea, etc. Little things. It's still a pregnancy, still a baby growing inside.

I never thought the different things would cause trips to ER and Labor and Delivery in the middle of the night.

I've been having a lot of pelvic pressure for a few weeks and I told my doctor about it at my last appointment. She didn't seem concerned, just thought it was they way the baby was sitting low in my pelvis. The last three days that pressure has turned into a constant pain and feels like it's lower in my cervix. It hurts to walk. It's the kind of pain I felt when Caleb was in the birth canal and I was ready to deliver. And it didn't go away and lying down didn't make it better. And he internet is scary when you start reading about all the things that it could be, like early dilation and cervical incompetence.

I decided to go to bed. It's 10:00pm on a Saturday night, just go to bed. So I took my blood pressure like I'm supposed to and it was high. Really high. And I'm emotional and ran every worst case scenario through my brain before I finally called my doctor.

She was concerned more about the blood pressure than the pain and told me to come over to L&D at the hospital and she would meet me there. Of course all of this happens when Brian is out of town for the weekend. I sat on the couch and cried.

All the tests and exams she did were normal and my blood pressure eventually settled into a high normal, which she is ok with for me since it's high when I'm not pregnant. I'm pretty sure everything she did was just to give me peace of mind, but I don't care. I felt better knowing that I'm not starting to dilate and my cervix isn't shortening and it's just a crappy way to be pregnant. It also helped my blood pressure to be able to calm down and stop worrying about baby girl. I wouldn't have slept all night without the reassurance that the pain wasn't anything to worry about.

This pregnancy has been stressful for me and I'm not sure how much more I can take. Knowing that, my doctor plans to take me out of work. She really wants me resting and keeping my blood pressure down.  It's way earlier than I wanted to go out but if it means keeping baby girl healthy and not going into preterm labor then I'll do whatever I need to do.

Thanks to my dad who came with me to the hospital and to my step-mom for staying with my sleeping toddler.


  1. I wish i lived closer so I can help. Sorry baby girl is being such a pain. hugs

  2. Kelly - So sorry to hear about all your pregnancy worries...I agree with the Dr....leave work early and try and relax and take it easy for a bit. Otherwise things may get really hairy!!!!!!

    Aunt Marie..
