Monday, August 16, 2010

It's Monday which is actually my Saturday. By the time you read this it will probably actually be Tuesday/Sunday because I'm posting this so late. It's almost 10:00pm and this is the first time I've had both arms free and the computer free at the same time. It feels good to sit.

Back to my original statement: It's Monday. Mondays are stressful days for me for one reason... I face the scale on Mondays. I was convinced that today I would hit a milestone, today's weigh in would be better than all the rest. I was so sure that after I stepped onto that cold silver platform I would be able to shout from the rooftops (er, basement bathroom) “I'VE LOST TEN POUNDS!” It's not a lot but it seems significant. Once you lose ten you feel like you've really accomplished something and you can keep going, the next 5 or 10 seem easy. I was ready for it, The Captain even mentioned the other day that I looked thinner. In hind sight he may have just wanted me to make him breakfast. But this was it, today was the day. I looked down...


Seriously? Nine pounds? I know it's only a one pound difference but I feel like nine is just as bad as zero and ten is epic! I feel like a failure. I mourned by making baked macaroni and cheese with croissants for dinner. Because that'll help me lose weight....


  1. Nine pounds is awesome lady! Just blame that last lb. on the water you drank, and/or "this shirt must be heavier than the other one." Whatever. Nine rounds to ten. Congrats!

  2. Nine pounds rocks! Great job!

    Just remember... this is a journey, not an overnight sensation. You will get there. :)

  3. I would kill to lose 9 lbs! I lost two on my business trip this week and was completely stoked. You're my weight loss hero.
