Saturday, February 2, 2013

I Have a Toddler and a Caffeine Problem, Of Course I Have High Blood Pressure

I'm worn out. I can barely get completely sentences out of my head. I didn't get to bed until 2 am because I spent 4 hours at urgent care, urgently waiting. Actually I've gotta say for as busy as they were I got in pretty quickly. It took an hour to get triaged but then they got me back to see a doctor before anyone else that was triaged before me. I still don't know if it's because they considered my case to be the most critical or because they knew I was an employee. We really do take care of our own.

Why was I there? Blood pressure. I've been having headaches again for the past three days. One that lasted almost two days and then yesterday I had one that came right back after the motrin wore off. I took my blood pressure at home and it was high, but it's always a little high and I know my cuff reads a little high anyway. I did nothing about it.

After the next headache I took it again. 165/114. Even if my cuff reads a little high that's still too high. I made Brian take his and it was normal. I decided I needed to be seen since it was getting to a dangerous level. At urgent care it was 181/120.

They did all the right tests to make sure my heart and kidneys were still ok and, after determining that they were, they sent me home with a new script for blood pressure meds. I kind of feel like I could have just taken the left over ones I had at home that aren't even expired and saved myself the 4 hour hassle of urgent care and exposing myself to potential flu victims.

So for now I'm drinking decaf.

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